肖邦夜曲 OP48

Chopin Deux Nocturnes OP48(肖邦小夜曲 OP48)

肖邦OP.48 两首夜曲,1841 年创作,同年11月出版,题献给罗拉· 龙贝尔小姐。这两首夜曲是肖邦最成熟时期的作品。

OP.48 No.1

c 小调,三段体式


  • 一、开始缓板下行,间断呻吟的曲调,显示了肖邦情绪的低落,内心的哀伤,而他的心却是坚强的,意志却是不屈的。
  • 二、转成大调,像似在宣读誓词,要全身心地奋力搏斗命运的不幸。乐曲结构庞大,气势磅礴,有排山倒海之力,顶天立地之势。哈尼卡说其具有英雄性,脱离了伤感,让我们看到了伟大男性的肖邦。
  • 三、在中段激动不安的三连音伴奏的基础上再现了第一段的曲调,像告诫人们继续努力奋斗。

OP.48 No.2

升f 小调,三段体式


  • 一、两小节的序奏具有叙事曲的风格、旋律不很优美,也没有其它夜曲那般的装饰,但朴实真挚的韵味使人有种哀叹凄凉之感。伴奏音型的选用很别致,对曲调起到了烘托作用。
  • 二、具有狂想曲的风格,据肖邦的学生古特曼说肖邦告诉他“要像宣叙调那样弹奏,开始的两个和弦如同暴君发出的命令,其他部分,应奏出祈怜之情为宜”。

Nocturne in C minor, Op. 48, No. 1

The Nocturne in C minor, Op. 48, No. 1 is initially marked lento and is in 4/4 meter. In general, the scheme of the music is ternary form and follows A-B-A’.

The piece becomes poco più lento at measure 25 and enters its middle section, which is a chorale in C major. Later, it moves to doppio movimento agitato at measure 49 and features fortissimo octave passages and double octave arpeggios. Finally, the piece ends with a reprise of the initial melody with extremely fast chordal accompanimentThe piece is a total of 77 measures long.


The Nocturne in C minor has been categorized as one of Chopin’s greatest emotional achievements.  Theodor Kullak said of the piece, “the design and poetic contents of this nocturne make it the most important one that Chopin created; the chief subject is a masterly expression of a great powerful grief.” Jan Kleczyński, Sr. calls the nocturne “broad and most imposing with its powerful intermediate movement, a thorough departure from the nocturne style.” Some musical critics, including Charles Willeby and Frederick Niecks, do not think the piece deserves its fame and position; though James Huneker agrees with this assessment, he notes that the nocturne is still “the noblest nocturne of them all.”[9] James Friskin found the music to have “the most imposing instrumental effect of any of the nocturnes,” calling the crescendo and octaves “almost Lisztian.”

Jim Samson notes that the nocturne intensifies “not through ornamentation, but through a new textural background.”  Kleczyński commented that the middle section “is the tale of a still greater grief told in an agitated recitando; celestial harps come to bring one ray of hope, which is powerless in its endeavor to calm the wounded soul, which…sends forth to heaven a cry of deepest anguish.”[8] The ending, according to Samson, is “in the nature of an elaborated ‘feminine ending’, articulating the reactive final beat of an amphibrach grouping.”

Nocturne in F-sharp minor, Op. 48, No. 2

The Nocturne in F-sharp minor, Op 48, No. 2 is initially marked andantino and is in 4/4 meter. It switches to più lento at measure 57 and returns to the original tempo at measure 101. The piece is a total of 137 measures long.

When compared with the other parts, the middle section, più lento, is completely different—the piece modulates from minor to major (D-flat), changes its meter to 3/4 and decreases tempo. Frederick Niecks commented that the middle section “is much finer” and contains “soothing, simple chord progressions.” Chopin once noted that the middle section was like a recitative and should be played as if “a tyrant commands, and the other asks for mercy.” The recapitulation is cut short by the coda, which ends in F major.

以下我们先欣赏一下肖邦小夜曲 OP48的第一章吧!

Let’s enjoy Chopin Deux Nocturnes OP48 – 1
with different performers.

李云迪-肖邦夜曲 OP48

Tiffany Poon-Chopin Deux Nocturnes OP48

Seong Jin Cho-Chopin Deux Nocturnes OP48

【肖邦c小调夜曲】Op.48 No.1 比赛现场版

Hsin-Yu Duan – Chopin Nocturne in C minor, Op.48 No.1