

在贝多芬的32首钢琴奏鸣曲中,如果只选一首知名度最高的作为代表,应该非第十四号钢琴奏鸣曲 “月光”(The Piano Sonata No. 14 ‘Moonlight’, Op. 27, No. 2)莫属。但你知道吗?贝多芬当年写这首作品时,乐念竟然与月光毫无关系。

1801年,贝多芬在维也纳认识了一位十七岁的少女茱丽叶塔(Giulietta Guicciardi),她起初是贝多芬的钢琴学生,之后贝多芬完全被少女的气质所吸引,当时已经三十岁的他甚至兴起与茱丽叶塔结婚的念头。但是,终究因两人身份不同而没有结果。这首知名的第十四号钢琴奏鸣曲便是题献给她的诉情之作。

虽然第十四号钢琴奏鸣曲的确是献给茱丽叶塔,在二人若有若无的恋情之间,却依然有段 “迫于现实” 的小插曲。原本,贝多芬写了一首充满爱意的《G大调回旋曲》,准备送给心上人茱丽叶塔,但在政治因素与现实的考量下,将这首曲子转送给了李希诺夫斯基(Lichnowsky)伯爵的女儿。事后才将第十四号钢琴奏鸣曲敷衍凑数地送给了茱丽叶塔。

此曲于1801年创作完成、1802年出版,当初只是一首形式上略有突破的奏鸣曲,并没有 “月光” 的称谓,却因旋律极为动听而大受欢迎,贝多芬还因此向弟子车尔尼抱怨过无心插柳的无奈。

直到三十年后,一位音乐评论家 H.F.L. Rellstab 听过此曲第一乐章后表示:“犹如置身瑞士琉森湖月光闪耀湖面的摇荡小船上一般。” 自此, “月光” 之别称不胫而走。

以上故 事的真伪已经无从考究,但是音乐的美则绝对是世界公认的。

Story Behind  Moonlight Sonata (English Version)

Beethoven took Countess Giulietta Guicciardi on as a pupil in around 1801 and soon fell in love with her. His Sonata Op. 27 no. 2, ‘Moonlight Sonata’ is dedicated to her…

Sonata Op. 27 no. 2 was published in 1802 under the title Sonata quasi una Fantasia, but is known today as the Moonlight Sonata after the German music critic Ludwig Rellstab wrote that it reminded him of the moon setting over Lake Lucerne.

It is certain that Beethoven proposed marriage to Giulietta, and that she was inclined to accept. One of her parents was in favour of the match.

But the other – probably her father – forbade her to marry a man “without rank, fortune or permanent engagement; a man, too, of character and temperament so peculiar, and afflicted with the incipient stages of an infirmity which, if not arrested and cured, must deprive him of all hope of obtaining any high and remunerative official appointment and at length compel him to abandon his career as the great pianoforte virtuoso”. (Thayer’s Life of Beethoven)

Giulietta married instead Count Wenzel Robert Gallenberg, a prolific composer of ballet and occasional music, on 3rd November 1803. The newly married couple left for Italy and were in Naples in the spring of 1806 – there Gallenberg composed music for the fête celebrating Joseph Bonaparte’s assumption of the crown of the two Sicilies. In late 1821 he was made an associate director of the Royal Imperial Opera in Vienna, and the couple returned to Vienna, but there is no evidence that Beethoven renewed his friendship with his old flame.

This would be the extent of my knowledge of Giulietta Guicciardi, were I not to have made the acquaintance of Lady Chelwood, widow of a former member of the House of Lords, now living in Sussex in England.

Pia Chelwood, who is Austrian, is directly descended from Giulietta. She informed me that Gallenberg was impotent and that Giulietta had a lover by whom she had several children. Pia is a direct descendant of Giulietta’s illegitmiate son! At her home she has a white marble bust of Giulietta that was sculpted from life. Bonnie and I visited her there, where I took this picture of Pia with the bust of her ancestor.


Well, after the story.  Let’s enjoy Beethoven Moonlight Sonata from different performers!

Tiffany Poon plays Beethoven Moonlight Sonata

Beethoven Sonata "Moonlight" Daniel Barenboim

李云迪-贝多芬 月光奏鸣曲

Jonah Ho (七岁)

張莘妤 - 貝多芬鋼琴奏鳴曲《月光》第三樂章